Contact Us

Sandy Beltramini

400 Lake Street - Suite 400D
Office Court of Ramsey
Ramsey, NJ 07446


Phone: 201 538-6802
E-mail: sandybeltramini@gmail.com

some words to share . . .

'I was referred to Sandy for CST. I lived with pain and muscle tightness, among other things, following spinal cord surgery.  I had tried many traditional and alternative therapies prior to being treated by Sandy. My doctor even told me with regard to my symptoms, "it is what it is."  Thankfully, after starting body work with Sandy, I have experienced a decrease in pain, pain elimination in some areas, and decreased myofascial / muscle tightness. Sandy possessess a wealth of knowledge in her field and applies that knowledge with expertise and compassion. She is a caring, empathetic, and dedicated professional who approaches her clients holistically, considering not just the body, but also mind and spirit. It is a true blessing to be able to find relief for my neuromuscular issues.'  Always Thankful, D Shurminsky 2019


'I cannot say enough good things about Sandy Beltramini as a Massage Therapist. Not only is she a skilled, knowledgeable and effective masseuse, she is an outstanding disgnostician. I have suffered from severe spinal and disc problems for 30+ years and had limited success with surgery and physical therapy. Sandy's hands-0n treatments, exercise and targeted stretching recommendations, and dietary suggestions directly resulted in my being able to return to a pain-free active lifestyle. I highly recommend her services.' G. Borteck 2019


'I am so pleased that my friend introduced me to Sandy. She has a wonderful calming effect on me. After knee and hip replacement Sandy has helped me in my recovery. It is a joy to walk again. As other parts of my body cry for attention, Sandy has used her skills to relieve my discomfort. I am truely grateful and I look forward to our sessions.' N.G. 2019


'A session with Sandy is a healing experience for body, mind and Spirit. She creates a comfortable safe space of openness, grace and peace. Sandy is knowledgable, intuitive and gifted. She certainly is a gift to me!'  Karen Amato 2019


'Sandy has been treating me for several years and I have found her massage therapy to be so helpful. Her understanding of the body and it's interconnections is both reassuring and educating. She helps me understand what I need to do to remain pain free once I leave her office. I have gotten to the point where I now go to Sandy to maintain the good health I feel.'  S. Ecker 2019


'Sandy is talented, caring and very deft in her skills as a bodyworker. She has changed my life as my physical pain has lessened and I have been able to get back to running. The weight I have added over the past 28 months is coming off, and I feel better and look younger than I have in years. I have my life back! It is a rare person who really cares, and Sandy certainly does.' - J.R. 2015


'Side affects from my Lyme and chronic fatigue have lessened considerably since working with Sandy. Ten years of pain resulting from daily neck tightness and chronic migraine headaches have eased. I tried numerous treatments ( traditional and alternative) in hope of finding relief from my daily pain and all had resulted in either short-lived relief or no relief at all.  The last two years with Sandy have provided me with so many benefiits. Thanks to Sandy's care, skill, knowledge, patience and belief in me I am no longer struggling.' - R.D. 2015


'I have lived with chronic pain every day since suffering a car accident in Dec of 1989. The treatment that I have been receiving from Sandy is the only thing which has relieved my pain. I am grateful!' - Zach G. 2016


Who knew?! Appears my jaw pain and related issues were not the site of original dysfunction. Sandy accessed my full body and started lower to release what she referred to as 'imprisioned muscles and connective tissue'.  I don't know what imprisioned muscle and tissue look like, or how they became that way. I am, however, ever so grateful for the release as the pain and discomfort I have had for years is gone and my mobility is returning. - Sara Marie 2017



Sandy Beltramini, LLC


400 Lake Street - Suite D

Office Court of Ramsey

Ramsey, NJ 07446




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