Specialized Bodywork and Therapies 


Structural Massage - a re-alignment of the skeletal system. Aids in the movement of toxins. Structural massage often produces a feeling of lightness, ease by increasing the flow of synovial fluid to the joints. Emphasis on problem areas. 


Medical Massage - Massage is an outcome-based massage targeted at specfic areas and issues resulting in pain, stiffness and tension. Injury, surgery, and/or repetitive use are contributing factors of  pain. 


Meridian Massage - ancient wisdom to balance mind, body and spirit for health. Working directly with energy pathways to support healing & vitality and to prevent illness and encourage wellness. Incorported into all body work.


Sports Massage - great if you're looking for a deep and thorough massage; pre-event, post-event or maintenance. Decreases injury potential and promotes soft tissue healing. 


Fascia and Scar Tissue Adhesion Release - scars have a physiological impact on the body. Whether it's a minor scar from childhood, an elective or non-elective surgery scar or a recent injury forming into scar tissue, any kink, pull, restriction or constriction in one area can, over time, trigger the body to compensate. Muscles will be forced to work harder and if nerves become entrapped, circulation can become restricted. Scar tissue release is both supportive and therapeutic for anyone living with the physical and emotional effects of scar tissue adhesion.


Craniosacral Fascial Therapy - a merging of Craniosacral Therapy and Fascial Release work. CFT focuses on both the craniosacral and fascial systems, simultaneously.  Fascia is a full body, connective tissue that can apply tremendous pressure to the nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, muscles, organs, and bones; resulting in developmental delays, interruptions of natural flow, limitations in movement, malalignment and health issues.  Releasing restrictions has tremendous health-related benefits. 


Lymphatic Drainage  - reduces pain and swelling by encourgaing lymph to flow and waste to be removed. If you have chronic pain or illness, you have a lymphatic problem.

Excellent for system detox, pre and post surgery, edema, and all autoimmune conditions.


Energy Healing - Reiki MasterEnergy work can assisit clients to relax quickly; decreasing sensitivity to pain. Energy work can be added to all bodywork. Relaxes. Destresses. Re-energizes and heals.


Integration with Metaphors - relief from chronic ailments stemming from emotionally-based issues. As the client speaks, body metaphors are investigated to discern what their communication means about exisiting tension patterns & current restriction of movement.  Using an advanced process called Applied Physiology, long standing problems can surprisingly and quickly be released; allowing the mind & body to integrate and healing to begin. This process avoids re-traumatization, permits healing, and allows for a full & joyful expression of You to unfold.


Sandy Beltramini, LLC


400 Lake Street - Suite D

Office Court of Ramsey

Ramsey, NJ 07446




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